
Explora Artículos Their Most Valued Asset? Seriously?


julio 17, 2016

Their Most Valued Asset? Seriously?

Why companies are not concerned about the use of their human potential as they are for the utilization of their physical assets?

Santi Garcia

Un contenido de Santi Garcia


Conscious of how much of their future success will depend on their human fabric, more and more companies enter a war for talent consequence of the imbalances of the labor market. We all know the story: on one hand, there is a growing disconnect between the skills produced by the educational system and what companies need today due to technological innovation, new business models, and globalization. On the other hand, demographic trends, in particular the ageing and decline of working population, are already limiting the supply of employable individuals in some territories. Subsequently, for many companies the time it takes to fill a vacancy is now longer than ever before, while some of them end up taking suboptimal hiring decisions because they can’t find (or can’t attract) their dream candidates. At the end of the day it is

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